I need help..in fscommand "exec"

hi, iam in little trouble.I had made few .exe files in flash and hav to link them now.I mean suppose i hav “a.exe” file and which has a button ,which on clicking launches “b.exe” file .Both files are in same folder. I tried with MX i cudnt get results.Then i tried with flash 5 , it worked.but thr is one prob that since both files open in full screen as soon as the “b.exe” is launched it gives slight jerk and is not as smooth as .swf loading.I wanna make it open smooth so that jerk is not noticible.And i wanna know why it didnt worked in MX


i’ve tried to and I couldn’t get it to exec the file


And this thread belongs to the Flash MX section of the forum… :wink: