I need help with Tween Scripting


I have created 5 buttons and i want the to move to the bottom, if you check the fla its below the line i created.

This is what i want:

In the begining the ‘home button’ must be pressed automatically and it should be written “Home is pressed”, but when i click and release the ‘about us’ button i want the ‘home button’ to elastically move to the ‘about us’ x and y coordinates and the ‘about us button’ to the x and y corodinates of the ‘home button’ button. I hope you understood till this point.

I also want the buttons to be disabled once they reach below the line.

This is the code i kept in the first Frame:

home_mc.home_btn.onRelease = function() {
 page_txt.text = "Home is Pressed";
 home_mc.home_btn.enabled = false;
about_mc.about_btn.onRelease = function() {
 page_txt.text = "Aboutus is Pressed";
function home_bounce() {
 new mx.transitions.Tween(home_mc, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Elastic.easeOut, 275, 275, 3, true);
 new mx.transitions.Tween(home_mc, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Elastic.easeOut, 190, 153, 3, true);
function about_bounce() {
 new mx.transitions.Tween(about_mc, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Elastic.easeOut, 275, 275, 3, true);
 new mx.transitions.Tween(about_mc, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.Elastic.easeOut, 153, 190, 3, true);

I want it same with the others 3 buttons, i tried to use the if statement but it does’nt work with me.

Please if someone can spend some time in this, i would appericiate it.
