I don’t know PHP, but my site is using the thematic framework powered by wordpress, and the pages are PHP.
All I’m trying to do is use a different wrapper background for the home (start) page, than all the other pages.
What I originally thought I could do is just create a new wrapper div just for the home page, but with the set-up I have now, I don’t even know where to hard code that… the “wrapper” div is not in the header.php, at least I didn’t see it. And when I tried to add a unique wrapper div to the start page php it messed things up.
I was able to do a conditional statement for the repeating body background (thanks to google) but so far I haven’t been able to do that for the wrapper background.
Here’s what I have for the body background:
<body id="
<?php if (is_page_template('start.php')){
echo "home-bg";}
echo "default";
}?>" >
and the css:
body#default { background:url(/images/pages-repeating-bg.png) top repeat-x #00040e; }
body#home-bg { background:url(/images/repeating-bg-2-5.png) top repeat-x #00040e;}
I’m even willing to pay someone for their time (this would probably take someone who knows PHP like 5 minutes to figure out) because my site is finished and I was really hoping to put it up today, but now I just want to change the background to make it smaller on all but the home page. Any help would be SO appreciated!