I need help with xml and duplicateMovieClip

hi for all! well … i m creating one dinamicly buttons w/ xml and duplicate movie clip. position and duplicate movie clips work fine. but dinamyc text in button no work. this is the code:

path = "";
var xmlMenu:XML = new XML();
xmlMenu.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlMenu.onLoad = function() {
    qtd = this.childNodes[0].childNodes.length;
    for (i=0; i<qtd; i++) {
        var nome = (this.childNodes[0].childNodes*.childNodes[0]);
        var imagemp = (this.childNodes[0].childNodes*.childNodes[1]);
        var imagemg = (this.childNodes[0].childNodes*.childNodes[2]);
        duplicateMovieClip (but, "but"+i, i);
        setProperty("but"+i, _x, ((i+1)*23));
        setProperty("but"+i, _y, 23);
[COLOR=DarkRed]        "but"+i.imagem.loadMovie(path + "small/" + imagemp);
        "but"+i.textofoto.htmlText = nome;[/COLOR]


anyone can help me ? i wanna one menu like gallery from SOTW!
Thanks in advance guys.