I need oil to motorscrolling :-)

I have problem with my scrollning.

See my files, i use

panel.onRollOver = panelOver;
function panelOver() {
 this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
 delete this.onRollOver;
var b = stroke.getBounds(_root);
function scrollPanel() {
 if(_xmouse<b.xMin || _xmouse>b.xMax || _ymouse<b.yMin || _ymouse>b.yMax) {
  this.onRollOver = panelOver;
  delete this.onEnterFrame;
 if(panel._x >= 89) {
  panel._x = 89;
 if(panel._x <= -751) {
  panel._x = -751;
 var xdist = _xmouse - 250;
 panel._x += Math.round(-xdist / 7);

It´s very bad - Same as motorscrolling without oil!!!
You can see my files, Why?