Hi, thanks for answering me lately it really helped!
But I would like once angain for your assistance:
I created a flash movie with two textfields and a button.
the first textfield as for variable name “input” it is an INPUT
textfield and accept only numerical characters. The second one is
called “output”,it is a Dynamic textfield that accepts all characters
and it’s not selectable.
In the button I have the following actions:
on (release, keyPress “<Enter>”) {
if (input >=5 and input <=19) {
output = “LOW SYSTEM CAPABILITIES : Your PC does not meet the standard of a " Multimedia PC " PLEASE RUN THE NON ANIMATED VERSION OF THIS TOUR”;
} else if (input >= “20” and input <= “30”) {
output = “Not bad, your PC SHOULD run this application fine”;
} else if (input > “30”) {
output = “Good, your PC Has What it takes to run this application”;
} else if (input eq “”) {
output = “Please Type a numerical value”;
} else {
output = "DANGEROUSLY LOW SYSTEM CAPABILITIES, You cannot run this application, Run the “quick contact " Mode to get the minimun set of information IN TEXT MODE.”;
Here is what I expected from that movie:
If I don’t type nothing = Please Type a numerical value
If I type a number from 0 to 4 = DANGEROUSLY LOW SYSTEM CAPABILITIES bla bla…
If I type a number from 5 to 19 = LOW SYSTEM CAPABILITIES bla bla…
If I type a number from 20 to 30 = Not bad bla bla
If I type a number from 30 to X = Good bla bla
At first look I tought it worked but then I realized that flash only takes the
the first charcacter into consideration.("4"00)instead of (400)
Exp : “4” it will say “GOOD” instead of “Dangerouly low” and if I type “100” it will say “Dangerously low” in place of “GOOD”
Could you please help me that movie, What’s wrong with it?
I will really appreciate any help.
Is there a way (anyway) to make flash (5 or MX) write an external file (like a license agreement or ANYTHING (jpg,bmp,txt,as)) somewhere
and to check if it exits once you run the movie again.
Thanks, Any help would be appreciated.
I would like to make a simple countdown in flash (I say simple Because I found a lot on the net, but they were so complex that I could not understand their “Action Script”) that can count from X secs (wich will variable or User-defined) to 0
(Example : 3600 or 60 to 0) and that can do a specific Action when the countdown ends or reachs o.
I asked you because your first aswer was quick, simple and GOOD
Thanks Thanks and Thanks again. I will REALLY appreciate any help. These are very important.