I wrote this quick and dirty Javascript function to check what browser you are using and redirect to a page according to that browser.
The browsers I check for are IE, NS/Mozilla, and Opera.
What I need is for some people to test this on <B>different</B> versions of these browsers and tell me what happens. Here is a list of browsers that have already been tested.
<B>Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1:</B> returns IE version
<B>Netscape 7:</B> Returns newNS/Mozilla Version
<B>Mozilla 1.21 and Mozilla 1.3a:</B> Returns newNS/Mozilla Version
<B>Opera 7</B>: Returns Opera Version
If anyone has earlier versions of these browsers (especially NS and IE) I would really like to know of this script works for it.
Click on the link above, then in that page click the link that says “Check Browser Version” and let me know what text returns in the page that it directs you to.
I would like it if you checked on all your browser types and versions (NS, IE, Opera if you have it), just copy and paste this address into your address bar on different browsers. If you have other browsers and test it, please let me know the browser and the version
Syko: Is that IE6SP1 or just IE6? And this serves a purpose for sites that use Javascript or CSS files that aren’t supported by one browser or the other.
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**I have the newest IE6 with SP1 installed but all I get is
“Internet Explorer Version”
I think could be my firewall or my security settings that wont send the info your script wants…
but again - I really have no idea **
Yeah, I don’t have it pick out the exact version, which is why I was asking you guys to tell me what versions you are using.
I am using a much simpler method to browser detection the usual indexOf stuff, because if I used indexOf, it would be like 50 lines of code instead of like 5