I need to create social icon popup windows for Facebook, Twitter and
Linkedin where I can explicity alter as much text and image content for
each as possible
Specifically, I need the ability to find where to edit each of these for all 3 links:
popup window - in the widow:Title Text : Image:Copy Text with an embeded link back to my site
Thanks. The problem was that my company was working with a client who didn’t want any third party solutions like addthis or sharethis - so I needed the custom code to add each share button. It was not too hard to find posted code for twitter and linkedin but facebook was a nightmare. I was saved by this page https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/share-button and especially the code debugger that will show errors in your setup https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/ - a key thing is that you have to create a separate installation for every page since fb assumes you are sharing ‘this’ page and gives you the code only for the page you are on.
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