I need to use ASP to create a guestbook and contact form?

I am in a real pickle here. I created a guestbook and contact page using php. Everything worked fine on my server but when my client has loaded all the stuff onto his server, we find out that php is not supported. :puzzled:

The guy at his server says that if I could make the guestbook and contact form using ASP instead we will be in business.

I know come to you people in hope of being shown a tutorial, or perhaps if you have any old files that you don’t need, that would also be fantastic!! If you could walk me through this little problem that would be wonderful.

I presume that asp is just a file that is sent in to the server along with all the other stuff, just like a php file?

I also asume I will be able to use ASP with a flash site?

Oh, any help would be wonderful. Please help.
The site I am having the problem with is:

Thank you

this link show how to insert data into a databse from flash. it is the same when using html as far as the ASP in concerned.

i don’t have a good guest book on my pc, run a search or 2 for that


Thank you for your reply. Unfortuanately, i don’t have access to a database. I thought it would be as simple as doing it with PHP but it seems I am wrong. Not really sure what to do now :frowning:

I suppose they can change server if ASP is too complex to use.

well what would you like to do? you can send the info to an email using CDONTS.

here is the ASP code to do so

<% @language="VBSCRIPT" %>


    Dim myMail, myBody
        myBody = "Name: "& request.form("name") & vbcrlf
        myBody = myBody & "Email: "& request.form("email") & vbcrlf
        myBody = myBody & "Message: "& vbcrlf & request.form("message")

    Set myMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

    myMail.Subject="Flash MX Basic Email"

    set myMail=nothing



Thank you. I would indeed like to just use the form to send all the info to an email address. I will paste your code into notepad but what should I call this file and should I use the asp file extension?

I will then make my form in flash but I have to admit I’m not sure how I will do this, I’ll probably just keep it the same as I did when I made the php version but no doubt some of the elements such as the variables will have to be changed. Might you consider looking at the FLA when I have finished it?

Once again, thank you for your time, much appreciated - I admit that ASP, PHP etc is not something that I have had time to learn - too busy learning flash etc - not enoough hours in the day.


This is what I think I should do:
In flash:

Create the input text fields and give variable names of name, email, and message.

I would not, however know what actionscript to put into Flash (this is where I am stuck.)

Also, When I paste the code you have supplied, what should i call the asp file? newmail.asp

I realise you must be busy but I am now at the stage where I must inform the client whether or not to get a new server that supports php or not.

Thank you.

hmm ok you are correct with how to set up the form. basically you need an event(submit button) to send the variables to your asp page. name the asp page whatever you would like, just make sure flash points to that page


do a search to learn more about flash forms. thee are milions of examples, and source files on the forums and in the tutorial sections.

Thank you.