I really hate the Random forum these days

I’m sorry people… maybe it’s just that I’m having a really tough time quiting smoking, while working on getting a family going but I’ve had it up to here (puts hand near neck) with our members.

The responses that people like Fasterthanlight gave in this thread were bad enough, but now we’ve got Garyzero, and Fester replying with their own particular form of stupidity. The worst thing about it is, I don’t feel like I have any authority, because some of these members are so popular. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the humor behind what they say because I do. I just feel that it has no place in this thread.
I can’t abide working within a certain set of rules for some people and a different set for everyone else. I’m tired, dead tired of fighting with forum members about how they should act… and to tell the truth, if you’ve noticed my absence of late, you should know that it’s because of crap like this.

Do something about this, please… I’m begging you. Temp ban some of these people. I’m in no position to exert my will because I know that I’m already too emotionally ingrained in this thread to be taken seriously… but seriously, someone has to say something.