I really need help with some buttons please

Hello everyone. I am very new to ActionScript. I just normally used Flash for art work and small movies. And I thought buttons were the easiest.
Here is my problem. I am doing a website for my band. I did the whole tutorial on loading external SWFs and making transitions. The file I teated worked fine so I decided to add some script to the loaded SWF file. For some odd reason the buttons don’t work after the file is loaded. But when I test the loaded SWF seperately they work great.
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to control all the actions in the loaded SWF from the main movie that it is being loaded into? Or is there something I am missing? Any help would be most apprecited

“The file I teated worked fine so I decided to add some script to the loaded SWF file. For some odd reason the buttons don’t work after the file is loaded.”

If you added AS to a working file and it suddenly stopped working, it probably has something to do with the AS you added.

BUT…no esp here.

You need to post more specific information. Either the actual AS your using or a fla example file. Otherwise I just have to guess at what your writting about and that’s just a waste of time.

OK…There is a main movie “main page” that loads all the other movies “pages”. When I test the “pages” by themselves they work fine, AS and all. But when I test the main movie.The “pages” will load but none of the “pages” AS work anymore. Thus none of the buttons work in the “pages” when I try to load them. Is there something that can be done about this? Is there a way to control the “pages” AS from the main movie or is there something I am forgetting to do in the “pages” AS.

And I would post the .fla files but I don’t know how

i think you will need to post a fla file before anyone can help you. As I said, no esp.

It could be a case that the AS in the externally loaded swf’s are referring to a _root location and when they get imported to your main movie then it gets confused because now it has a whole new _root location, if that makes any sense. You might want to search for _lockroot and its uses.

Yah, I’m guessing a _root _parent issue, but why guess when people can just post an example AS or fla