ok… here goes… I am trying to get my photography website going and under the images description I want to put a hyperlink to view the full image. The xml is embedded into the flash template of the website. The problem is I need one for each image, but if I put it under the description it makes everything disappear!
heres the top part of my code I want to put it in. It is like this for each image. It repeats everything except the image link an description.
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding = “utf-8” ?>
<gallery id=“1” path=“gallery/1/”>
<image thumbnail=“s1.jpg” pic=“1.jpg” description=“Ella:
ExposureTime : 1/320Sec
FNumber : F5.0
ExposureProgram : Manual
LightSource : Shade
Flash : Not fired
FocalLength : 170.00(mm)”></image>
can someone please help me? I have searched everywhere. I tried putting the hyperlink everywhere. The hyperlink code I used was
<a href = “LINK HERE”>View Full Image</a>.
thanks in advance.
ps: im new here but so far this site looks very useful!