I want a scrollbar that appears only when i need it!

this is my first post so forgive any quirks in my writing style. I want to know if there is any way to customize the scrollbar component in flash mx. More specifically, I only want the scrollbar to appear in a text box when i click a certain button. Then when i click another button, i want the scrollbar to disapear from the textbox. I’m sure that there is some sort of AS voodoo-magic that can achieve this, but unfortunately, im not that high-tech. If it makes any difference, i’ll tell you guys that I am dynamically loading the text box content from external txt files. i would appreciate any insight that you flash gurus out there could give me on this matter. Thanks!

PS. im sorry if this topic is posted somewhere else…i looked but i didn’t find.

Do you want it to appear based on whether or not it’s necessary? there’s a way to do that. I’ll have to look it up for you. otherwise, give your scrollbar an instance name and set’s it’s visibility to false…

i’ll see if i can find the AS for you

yah i think it would be perfect if you can find something that makes the scrollbar show up only when i need it. Also, is there anyway to change its colors and such? Thanks!

here you go:

you can change the colours using as, but you can just rightclick->edit on the scrolls and edit all of the colours in the instances within the scrollbar.
