I want to recreate something like this

Anyone got some as examples or theories how I could generate this kind of effect?


good luck. Someone posted that a while ago and everyone pondered over it for quite some time and we all decided that we had no idea. You could try e-mailing the creator and asking for a push in the right direction.

Yeah, I was in that thread, pondering away.

You know it is tough when even the great Ilyas couldn’t figure it out. :o

So no, I don’t know how to do it.

The way i would see it…
is create dynamicaly a mask every certain interval … and then animate those…


My theory would be that it is simply split images, and the semi-3d rotation is accomplished by tweening the new image’s width from 0 to it’s width, and the old picture’s width to 0.

The splitting could be done with a clever php-script or manually…

No idea if this is even close, just an idea…

I was actually thinking about this exact same effect a few days ago. Actually, the solution came to me before I realized what the effect was (yeah I’m backwards).

Here’s how I’d do it (you can even extend this to breaking up the image into little squares…that’s what I was originally gonna do).

There are two ways to do the masking here: one is with AS, generating the masks dynamically (if you have F5, then this is not an option); the second option is to us premade masks (if you have F5 this is your only option). I’m not sure which of these options would be least processor intensive, but they’ll both work, and if you’re not comfy with AS, you would do the second way.

If you are using premade masks, you load the image (or if you are using F5 you’d load an external SWF that contains the image) into an empty movie clip that you have masked (the mask is a vertical strip). You would need n masks (where n is the number of strips the image breaks up into) arranged side by side, each with an empty movie clip (let’s call them EMC1, EMC2, …, EMCn).

So you have the image in EMC1. You need to load the same image again in each of the other EMC movie clips. You also need to change the _x of each EMC so that all the images overlap exactly. At this point, a strip of each copy of the image would show through the masks, looking like a complete image.

Next all you do is move each mask with it’s image together, giving the effect of breaking up the image. You can add fancy effects like fading out, etc, if you want. Then just load the next image and repeat.

If you are going to use masks created on the fly, you can just load the image once, then duplicateMovieClip it, then dynnamically mask it (using the API to draw the masks). This method allows you to accomodate any size image with any number of strips. Advanced effects might include making randomly shaped masks instead of strips (you could store the mask shapes in arrays so that they all line up) which would make it look like the image is shattering.

If you have MX, I’d go with the dynamic masks, cause they are much more modular, allowing any image size, changeable strip numbers on the fly, changeable strip sizes/shapes on the fly, etc.

As you can see I didn’t give any actual code, but I’m sure you can figure it out from here. If you need any help, you can ask me and I’ll see what I can do. I’d be very interested in seeing your final product.


I just realized I didn’t address the 3D rotation effect. That’s simple resizing of the original image will bringing in the second (change the _xscale of an image and it looks like it’s twisting along the Y axis).


It sounds like you are over simplifying it a bit there alethos.

If you would be willing to set up an example .fla file, I would love to see that. I tried attempting this effect and failed horribly.

I got the idea in my head … i can visulize it with one image so far and i guess to replace the original image i would mask a mc where the image is and then switch frames as i need to go to a diff image…

I can see this… but now i gotta put it in code…

ill let ya know

Sorry bout that LIB. I’ll let Mediashock have a go at it before I try it out. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I had it visualized and everything.

I set up the script and everything. So far so good after that, but then I had to do the transitions… It went all downhill from there…LOL.

Seems to me that it might be done this way:

A MC is made of the pics with a simple scale left to right transition.

Then DuplicateMovie creates the number of pieces with a dynamic mask made for each one. So 15 MC’s with 15 dynamically created masks.

They are spread apart, and the transition MC’s within the “blinds” are triggered… Perhaps a little timing between triggers to get the cascading effect…

If it would work that way, then you could just replace the base pics symbols for an enttirey new presentation.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
even Ilyas couldn’t figure it out
Challenge? :evil:

Sounds like it Pom! :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**Challenge? :evil: **

Nope no challenge, but if you want to figure it out… by all means go ahead, I have tried and tried and could not seem to do it through AS.

And if you remember the pixel explosion thread, you stated that you had no clue where to begin trying to figure that one out or something :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, err…

[SIZE=1]edits the post[/SIZE]

Anyway, I’m trying, but it’s hard to script it, you’re right. :frowning:

Yeah I know. It looks easier than it is :frowning:

Raaahhhh!!! Too many masks!! :hangover: :hangover: :hair:


Begins to get aggrivating… I know.