I just want to use this easing function thing to make a MC change it’s width and height, but how.
It doesn’t seem to want to work. It doesn’t set the MC to the exact dimensions that I want.
onClipEvent (load) {
var easing = 9;
var wide = this._width;
var hite = this._height
var xFinal = this._x;
var yFinal = this._y;
var xScaleFinal = this._xscale;
var yScaleFinal = this._yscale;
var alf = this._alpha;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x += (xFinal-this._x)/easing;
this._y += (yFinal-this._y)/easing;
this._width += (wide-this._width)/easing;
this._height += (hite-this._height)/easing;
this._xscale += (xScaleFinal-this._xscale)/easing;
this._yscale += (yScaleFinal-this._yscale)/easing;
this._alpha += (alf-this._alpha)/easing;
WHats going on with this thing???