Ideas on how to create text interactivity from a rollover

Any ideas on how to create text interactivity from a rollover?\r\rAppreciate any suggestions, URLs etc.\r\rThanks.

Well, go to the tutorial section of this site, type rollover in the search area, and do the tutorial. Good start. Then if you now some text effects, you can replace the one from the file by whatever you want.\r\rpom 0]

Check out my site, it is navagated through pulldown menus. Try making them, it adds a nice effect! Not much actionscripting involved, just some tellTarget, and some common scence!\r\r--

Dan I was wondering if you would mind telling me how you made the boxes on your links section sort of roll off in to the background. I’m racking my brains here trying to figure it out!\rDoes anybody know how to do this, is there a tut?\rMany thanks\r\rSimon

I’d say it’s not the tell target that I’m miffed on, it’s the way your boxes fade in to the background?\rAny ideas anyone :slight_smile:

Hey Simon,\rI asked the very same question in the Site Check forum…\r\rpom 0]

mmmm yes I love the effect :slight_smile: I see what dan says but I can’t figure that one out…\rmaybe one day, nice effect though!