HELLO!! I hav designed my logo. Now I need to vectorize it in Illustrator. What should I do?? I have read that tracing is a good technique. I have tried tracing but it is so difficult with the curves and it does not look “clean” as on the attatched file. Is there any tuts on how to do this?? I want my logo to be perfect with perfect curves. Smooth and clean. Please help me anyone.
practice practice practice those Bezier curves with the pen tool in Illustrator. Once you get the hang of it you can trace ANYTHING and it’ll be your favorite Illustrator tool.
well it’s a very simple shape, then just use outlines to create the contour shapes
lunatic is right man. when i first started trying to trace templates in illustrator i couldnt figure out how anyone did it…but then after a while, those beziers just start making sense and you really can trace anything.
that is just a bunch of circles actually should be rather easy. Learn to use the pathfinder tool.
Reminds me a little of billy bussey.
I have seen something like that before … can’t place it tho’
looks cool, ‘simplistic’ is always a bonus…
kinda looks like billy busseys logo but its a J and the outline is not a circle
good and simple though…