IE 'Activate' Fix for Flash MX swf?

Hi Everyone,

I’ll first say that I’m a Flash designer but I’m not really technically inclined which may be why I still haven’t figured out how to get around the Microsoft IE ‘Activate’ double click problem with Flash content.

I have a completely Flash site that’s designed with Flash MX. All of the fixes seem to be for Flash 8 or for Flash content embedded in an HTML page. I’ve tried posting questions on several of the Flash sites but no one seems to be getting my question.

I publish all of my pages in Flash, then upload the resulting HTML and swf files to my site. I do not write any HTML at any time. I only write actionscript. Is there a purely actionscript solution to the activate problem? Or possibly an external .js fix that can be referenced with an #include “something.js” inside the flash source file?

I hope this makes sense and thanks in advance.
