IE hates my dropdown

EDITED: 8/30 @ 6PM

So I’m working on a site, not a whole lot done on it yet, but I included a drop down menu. Check it here:

First of all, yes, I’m aware the text up top looks horrible, they’re gif’s until we can sneak into the client’s office and upgrade his IE and I can use PNG’s.

If you view it with Firefox, when you roll over the Products tab, you’ll see a nice, neat drop down menu. If you are in IE7, you will see the drop down menu, but it will only let you select the first 3 links. Beyond that, it considers the menu to have been rolled out and the drop down disappears. If you are in IE6, you will see no drop down menu at all. It’s all very upsetting, but the client is in the stone age, so we have to make this site as backwards compatible as possible.

The CSS is located at

Starting at #menu is probably the most important part.