IE problem with site layout


I’ve done a little page just to try divs and css. I’m new to webdesign in general but by reading the old threads I think that incompatibility with IE is quite a common issue. I set up the layout for this page and until I use firefox nothing goes wrong. As soon as you try this on IE then problems will come out. In the “content” div I put one “cell” div which contains one div containing the image and another one containing the description. The div containing the image is set float left. As you will see from the source codes i used <br class=“clearfloat” /> to let the image cell be all contained in the cell. This works well in firefox even if you “zoom” in or out the styles. In IE some cell bottom borders can be out of place even if you do nothing. If you try and zoom out you will see that the bottom border of the cell will go under the image and at a certain point the description will eventually go away! (this happens in my IE for the last cell)
How can I fix that?

Thanks for your help