IE window trying to close itself FLASH and ASP


I created a form in Flash 8 as well as an ASP page. They work great but, for some reason, in IE, when you hit submit, a blank page comes up and says “this window is trying to close itself”

The information is sent but is there a work around in either my AS or ASP to get rid of this annoying window?

This is my AS:

// -------------------<send form LoadVars>------------------- \
var gatherForm:LoadVars = new LoadVars();

function sendForm() {
gatherForm.visitor_date = contactForm.userDate.text;
gatherForm.visitor_name = contactForm.userName.text;
gatherForm.visitor_relation = contactForm.userRelation.text;
gatherForm.visitor_street = contactForm.userStreet.text;
gatherForm.visitor_city = contactForm.userCity.text;
gatherForm.visitor_state = contactForm.userState.text;
gatherForm.visitor_zip = contactForm.userZip.text;
gatherForm.visitor_phone = contactForm.userPhone.text;
gatherForm.visitor_email = contactForm.userEmail.text;
gatherForm.visitor_startLocation = contactForm.userStartLocation.text;
gatherForm.visitor_ceremonyLocation = contactForm.userCeremonyLocation.text;
gatherForm.visitor_ceremonyTime = contactForm.userCeremonyTime.text;
gatherForm.visitor_receptionLocation = contactForm.userReceptionLocation.text;
gatherForm.visitor_receptionTime = contactForm.userReceptionTime.text;
gatherForm.visitor_vehicleUsedFor = contactForm.userVehicleUsedFor.text;
gatherForm.visitor_vehicleType = contactForm.userVehicleType.text;
gatherForm.visitor_other = contactForm.userOther.text;

gatherForm.send(“contact.asp”, “POST”);
// -------------------</send form LoadVars>------------------- \“fontFamily”, “Times”);“fontSize”, 12);“color”, 0x000000);

//--------------------<submit button AS>---------------------\

// onRelease
this.contactForm.submitBtn.onRelease = function() {
if (contactForm.userDate.text == “” || contactForm.userName.text == “” || contactForm.userPhone.text == “” || contactForm.userEmail.text == “” || contactForm.userVehicleType.text == “”) {
} else {


//--------------------</submit button AS>---------------------\

Any help would be great appreciated. Thanks so much! I can attach my ASP file if that is where the solution is.