IE11 and FlashVars

Well the IE11 rollout here has really dorked up our site. We have some Flash progress checks that are passed some variables using flashvars. however, with IE11 it does not appear that the flashvars are being passed to the swf. Here is the code in case anyone has any ideas:

function InsertObject_016()
document.write('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,2,0" width="350" height="325" align="center" id="t30p060">');
document.write('  <param name=movie value="flash/M5_016.swf">');
document.write('<param name=quality value=high>');
document.write('<param name="LOOP" value="false">');
document.write('<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">');
document.write('<param name="wmode" value="opaque" >');
document.write('<param name="FlashVars"  value="question1=Architecting and Systems Engineering have the most overlap in which phase?&answer1=a&question1a=Design&question1b=Production&question1c=Sustainment (Operations and Maintenance)&question1d=Disposal&q1correct=Correct! Architecting and SE attack aspects of the design solution.&q1incorrect1=Not quite. Architecting and SE are most relevant earlier in the program lifecycle. Please try again.&q1incorrect2=The correct answer is A). Architecting and SE attack aspects of the design solution. &question2=Architecture is an essential part of which component of the Systems Engineering Process?&answer2=d&question2a=Requirements Analysis&question2b=Functional Analysis/Allocation&question2c=Design Synthesis&question2d=All of the above&q2correct=Correct! Architecture is an essential part of all components of the SE Process.&q2incorrect1=Not quite. Architecture is an essential part of that components, but that is not the best answer to this question. Please try again.&q2incorrect2=The correct answer is D). Architecture is an essential part of all components of the SE Process. ">');
document.write('  <embed src="flash/M5_016.swf" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="325" loop="false" scale="noborder" align="center">');
document.write('</embed> ');

Why isn’t it showing the code I pasted in?