I’m having huge problems to get a really simple if statement to work, after a few checks i noticed the problem was in my condition!
To review it:
-On first frame i have set a var ‘var foto2 = ‘oie’;’ (just declaring it’s existence).
Later on I have 2 functions for loading xml, files and such, and it also takes care of dispatching a real value to that variable, either a image name or a “no”, in case there’s no image.
Later on I try to use the variable, i can use it to load the correct file, so the variable is working and i’m not having any trouble to access it.
My main idea was having a button to Next file, then if the var value is not no, i just don’t do anything (button visible by default). and if equal to no, i make it not visible.
current code:
ref.ref.text = _parent.foto2;
if ( _parent.foto2 == "no" ){
btNext._visible = false;
The ref.ref.text ended up like a trace, so that i can what the var holds is really a “no”, but the if doesn’t happens. If i remove the if, the btNext… runs ok. If I declare a var right before the if and use it just for test, it goes ok too. =(
Anyone has any idea of what might be happening to me =(?