If / else help needed

Essentially what I’m trying to accomplish is a page with multiple 30 second clips (preview tracks) that hides that tracks play button when it’s playing and shows the play button when it when it’s stopped (it stops the other tracks first with the “stopAllSounds();” then plays the track it’s calling):

// Load Sound ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var sound1 = new Sound ();
// Play Sound /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
playBtn1.onRelease = function()
sound1.loadSound(“mySong1.mp3”, true);
// Show/Hide Play Button ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(sound1.play == true)
playBtn1._visible = false;
playBtn1._visible = true;
// Stop Button ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
stopBtn1.onRelease = function()

…the problem is the if statement isn’t working, therefore it doesn’t hide the play button.