If I Was A Beer

How is it up there?

oh… hehe… woops. its crappy here. rained alll day. i didnt mind though, gave me an excuse to stay in, put on bunny slippers, light a fire, have a glass of wine, and seduce MACROMEDIA FLASH!!! MY ONLY TRUE LOVE!!!

Ahh to bad… see here the weather is great, so I have to excuse to seduce Flash… and I always fail anyway :stuck_out_tongue: She always leaves and goes hangs out with Fireworks… that bastard! :smiley:

ill tell you a secret, just between you and me :wink: shhhh…

**fireworks is having an affair with golive… imagine that!! an adobe!!! how scanadlous!!

Oh… thats great… once I telll flash… their thing is over! Haha… all I have to do is to take care of Dreamweaver…know any dirt on him…?

little known fact**

the correct plural form of “beer” is “beer”
yes. that’s right folks, the word meaning multiple beer is not “beers”. proper english says it’s “beer” :nerd:

oh, and russianbeer - don’t worry about dreamweaver, besides owing backtaxes, hes currently involved in a lawsuit involving his cousin and a sheep… :wink:

oh, and russianbeer - don’t worry about dreamweaver, besides owing backtaxes, hes currently involved in a lawsuit involving his cousin and a sheep…


haha, if I was a beer :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: I would be LYNXALUS (lee-nu-x-a-lu-s) :crazy:


…vol 5.2%…
…anno 2003…

golgi…are you a woman, or carrottop?

whats a… carrottop?

you know, that guy who does the call ATT commercials?
(by your response i’m assuming the former.)

um. why would you think i was him? *tearing up at the corners of my eyes

oh i didn’t mean any harm, just by the look of your avatar, i couldn’t tell. but carrottop is a horrible horrible person, and you are not him. :slight_smile:

hehe, ok! (mental note: need a new picture)

good ole sad adams, great for relaxing or beating irish men at a bar.

today i am a pale ale, bitter and clouded with hops…

pale ale is beautiful, with its clear yet still mysterious appeal… something is always there, but hiding at the back of your pallete… I must say that pales are my favorite (esp NorCal pales… and some form Wash and Org)


beer tastes like mud.