Fefe Dobson - Are you ready to be my boyfriend rofl. I love this chick and I don’t care who knows it. looks around to make sure friends aren’t watching what I’m typing
RJD2 - Ghostwriter
Metalica - Nothing else matters
iTunes: Dance Radio Station
Metallica - The thing that should not be (orchestra edition thingy, from the S&M album)
Taking Back Sunday - A whole bunch of their stuff on my pc
John Mayer - Clarity :love:
‘we’ve only just begun’ …The Carpenters
Fun Factory - Close to You
lol anyone remember the song?
Sweet Lullaby by Deep Forest
I found that in Pure Moods, vol 1 :sailor:
ahmed - nope, I have never heard of it (like that should surprise anyone hehe)
Kirupa… You’re so sensitive. Why aren’t you on the list?
I’m listening to Maroon5, since I just posted them in Kool Sites.
heh it’s a 90’s dance type music hit
Without you here - Finch
thor: hahahaha! that’s hilarious.
well, aside from that dub dub thing, I was listening to Rosesdead - Marcello Carberera Is A Crook
Snow Patrol - Their new album 'Final Straw’
They’re a band from Belfast/Bangor in Northern Ireland and they were recently nominated for a Mercury Award. They’re good too. Check them out.
Barry Gray - The Thunderbirds Theme Song
Breaking a Habit - Linkin Park
Cool Vibration - Initial D anime/arcade music
Iced earth - Dragon’s Child
ronnie- metallica
Bartender - Dave Matthews Band