If you're listening to music

*Originally posted by billmarr *
**lol sen I used to love the black crowes when I was young. Then I got a haircut **

lol. Thats a classic song… almost stones-classic. Shake your money maker is in my playlist so it comes up every now and then :wink:

(current song: Disarm - smashing pumpkins)

Five for Fighting - 100 years.

You’ve caught me at kind of strange time right now…hahaha

The Offsprings- Hit that and next Chrystal Meth- Born Too Slow!

Ian Pooley - Coracao Tambor … :slight_smile:

Stop lying ahmed, we know you’re listening to slipknot.

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**Stop lying ahmed, we know you’re listening to slipknot. **
lol, yeah right… i hate that crap anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

… Now Playing: Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice baby :smiley:

Go drink some goat blood, goat blood drinker!

I wanna drink yo’ blood :love:

Grab a straw baby doll.

um… blood don’t forget to give me a sip of that mooshoo xxvii later :stuck_out_tongue: now listening to Metallica-Enter the Sandman

i love vanilla ice :smiley:

*Originally posted by Yeldarb *
**i love vanilla ice :smiley: **

It’s kind of sad, but Vanilla Ice was the first concert I ever went to…back in 3rd grade at the Patriot Center in Fairfax, VA

good times



The Hunt - Sepultura!


Floods - Pantera


I am the law - Anthrax

dc Talk right now…prolly some Led Zeppelin and some kind of techno before the night is done…ooo maybe some Foo as well.

Alice in Chains - Rooster

Caution: the Surgeon General of Rock warns viewing this next band is equal to 29 orgasms. Here they are, Tenacious D.

Tribute - Tenacious D

The Promise - Tracy Chapman

“Redo this report” - My boss… :frowning:

I just woke up to some Hey ya - Outkast

*Originally posted by RedMirrorBall *
**I just woke up to some Hey ya - Outkast **

As if they havent been playing that one enough :stuck_out_tongue:
I keep waking up to Billy Idle for some reason :pa:

currently playing Missed the Friction by Self