If you're listening to music

AC/DC - Back In Black :smiley:

The Blues Had A Baby - Muddy Waters

Less Than Jake - Ask the Magic 8 Ball

Rise and Fall - Helloween

then some more sweet home alabama, then teritorial p*ssings

what the hay? country and nirvana don’t mix :frowning:

dunno if you saw it in the guitar thread blabj, but if you didn’t the song you sent me is really cool. so much better than the stuff we come up with :stuck_out_tongue:

anyway, listening to Highway Song by System of a Down

Down Rodeo - Rage Against the Machine

basks in this songs glory

Yanni - For All Seasons

Iron Maiden - Children of the D@mned…what can I say, I’m stuck in the 80’s :stuck_out_tongue:

Young and Aspiring by Underoath


(just minimize the window after starting it)

Taking Back Sunday - A whole bunch of their stuff on my pc

John Mayer - Clarity :love:

‘we’ve only just begun’ …The Carpenters

Fun Factory - Close to You

lol anyone remember the song?

Sweet Lullaby by Deep Forest

I found that in Pure Moods, vol 1 :sailor:

ahmed - nope, I have never heard of it (like that should surprise anyone hehe) :stuck_out_tongue:

Kirupa… You’re so sensitive. Why aren’t you on the list?

I’m listening to Maroon5, since I just posted them in Kool Sites.

heh it’s a 90’s dance type music hit :slight_smile:

Without you here - Finch

thor: hahahaha! that’s hilarious.
well, aside from that dub dub thing, I was listening to Rosesdead - Marcello Carberera Is A Crook

Snow Patrol - Their new album 'Final Straw’
They’re a band from Belfast/Bangor in Northern Ireland and they were recently nominated for a Mercury Award. They’re good too. Check them out.