Iframes and hover buttons

I am not one for using JS Page Transitions OR Frames, but I will see if I can help you out.

Ok, so you have 3 frames, for the sake of simpleness I will name then Frame1, Frame2, and Frame3. You want the WHOLE page, including all 3 frames to transition right?

Ok well those 3 frames are included in what is called Frameset. Your frameset should have a name.

I am going to name it MainFrame (sounds cool). your transition should target MainFrame. I don’t know how your script is written so I don’t know where to tell you how to target it.

You can add this to your MAIN .HTML page, the one that includes your frameset

[META http-equiv=“Page-Enter” CONTENT=“RevealTrans(Duration=4,Transition=9)”]
[META http-equiv=“Page-Exit” CONTENT=“RevealTrans(Duration=4,Transition=2)”]

Replace [] with <> (I had to do this for this sake, because they are META TAGS and it converted them). Place this script in between your head tags of your page.

This should give you the effect you are looking for without the complicated JS code, if that is what you are using.

I hope this helps.