Iframes and hover buttons

Sorry about giving you the wrong numbers, it is kind of hard for me to remember which transistion is which. Not to mention I have a problem with keeping numbers straight in my head.

Javascript is a funny funny thing. One little symbol, or letter case can throw it off balance. So although I don’t know why it did what it did, it might very well of been the uppercase letters.

I don’t use page transitions because many people find them tacky. I also don’t make layouts that could really use transitions, if they were to, it would look really bad. They are also a pain if you set the duration for too long, then the viewer has to keep waiting and waiting to view a page, and if he accidently clicks out of the page he has to wait again. Where, if there were no transition, the page would be loaded in browser cache and would load up in a fraction of a second (well I use a cable modem, so it would for me). That is pretty much why I don’t use transitions. They don’t overload CPU Resources and they don’t effect load time too much.