Iframes & css properties

i’ve got several iframes on a page, that i want modified by an external style sheet. i cant seem to remember the format for getting rid of the border from the external style sheet!
here’s what i’ve got (that I’SNT working)

#first { 
margin: 0px; 
height: 400px;
frameborder: none;
border:none; /*mozilla?*/
overflow:hidden; /*mozilla?*/

and here’s what i’ve got for the iframe itself:

[color=black]< iframe id=“first” src=“mywebsite.com” > < /iframe >[/color]

[color=#000080]<!-- [/color]

[color=#000080]<iframe id=[color=#0000ff]“first”[/color] src=[color=#0000ff]“mywebsite.com”[/color]>[color=#000080]</iframe>[/color][/color]
[color=#000080][color=#000080] -->[/color][/color]

*[color=red]edit note: **NEVER MIND THE EXTRA SPACES !!! *an actual iframe keeps showing up in the post… not the code that i want you all to see! [/color]

the mozilla stuff was some code i found somewhere online… dont know if its doing any good or not…

so, if somebody could tell me how that should be coded, i’d appreciate it!

also, does anybody know of any places where i could see a list of all the atributes for the iframe tag, and how they should be correctly written out in an external style sheet?

thanks for any help you can give me!

i haven’t used IFrames in ages so I forget but here’s a real good link on it: