
I’ve just heard the weirdest musical track today. A radio station here in Denmark pick “this week’s unavoidable” track each week and this week it’s “Putuni” by Ikscheltaschel.

It’s a pretty good mix of jazz and hip-hop but the weird part is that these guys have made up a completely new language (Ikscheltaschel) that they sing in. It sounds a bit like dutch but not quite.

You can listen to four tracks from their latest album here: http://www.dr.dk/musik/urban/artikler/040820_volapyk_og_kaudervaelde.asp
There’s a box with the heading ‘LYT’ (listen). Click on ‘Putuni’. It’s the best of the four tracks, IMO.

So - anyone know how to rip a RealAudio stream to an mp3?!? j/k… :slight_smile: