I'm a Microsoft Intern!

This summer, I will be spending several months at Redmond working in the .NET Common Language Runtime team. I had my fly-over interview last week, and I agreed to their offer today.

I haven’t reached the point that G has yet (see thread), but after I graduate next year, who knows :stuck_out_tongue:


Congrats should be lots of fun.

kool! i haven’t worked with .NET Common Lang. Runtime, so this may sound like a stupid question… what will you exactly be doing? like creating programs like .NET? or working in .NET to create programs? Congratulations. :slight_smile:

Congrats. Wish you all the best

congrats dude, nice work.

Nice - congrats Kirupa!! G never did say what his position was…

Wow, NiCE!?

■■■■ Kirupa you’ve got the skills and opportunity. I’ve got a question for ya though. You are in Computer & Electrical Engineering, not computer science. Isn’t programming technically not in your area of academic expertise (not that you don’t know it well)?

I’m thinking of joining an intern program, but in the computer engineering program as is, it seems unlikely that I’ll get a job doing hardware stuff. So companies will hire engineers for software dev?

I’m actually in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. For me, while I am doing EECS, I have taken a LOT of EE classes, but a LOT MORE CS classes. For the most part, I’m decent with doing stuff in hardware, but I’m more comfortable and interested in doing software stuff.

It’s a lot easier to debug code in an IDE as opposed to figuring out why a circuit doesn’t work haha.


You know, when interns become employee’s they celebrate with a party at Bill’s house - good luck to you K-man. :wink:

cool.way to go.congrats! How long is the duration of your internship though?

Actually wizard, all interns get to have dinner at Bill Gates house in the summer. I saw him speak once, but I’m definitely excited about getting to see him again in a smaller setting.

footsie - 12 weeks. I have 3 more weeks of vacation before school starts, so it’s a good balance between both fun work and just fun.


Man, Kirupa, how does it feel to pretty much be able to get a job anywhere? I mean, dang… MIT student, creater of Kirupa.com, somehow not antisocial… I just realized all this stuff. ahaha you’re a lucky dude!

Congrats! I hope you have a fun adventure!

If you meet Bill or something anytime during your career path you should punch him or something so then you getta make the news. :smiley:

ballmer spoke at my high school when i was a junior b/c he’s alumni. he’s a fun speaker to watch/listen to.

That’s awesome man! Congrats! Let’s meet up while you’re here if you get a minute to breathe since I blew it when I was in Boston.

28 - of course, I think it’s my destiny to meet you :stuck_out_tongue:

kdd - it involves .net and the web, but beyond that, I will find out only when I get there. I have a brief idea of what it is, but I’m not sure I can publically disclose it.

bwh - I attended a Ballmer speech a few months ago, and he is definitely an interesting speaker. I’ve never seen such a high octane individual!

mik3 - anybody can do it; it just takes time, hard-work, and patience :wink:

good luck k-man! post pics with bill when you get the chance:)
speaking of steve ballmer, watch this awesome clip:


-oh, wait… you don’t actually get paid for being an intern, do you? :expressionless:

:lol: 'Grats.

congrats :thumb:

oh and try to swipe something nice from Bills house :cool: :wink:


If you’re pleased with it, then congrats, I guess… but it wouldn’t exactly be my piece of cake :stuck_out_tongue:

Pfft - u own the kirupa forums and are an MIT guy… They will go bonkers for ya :stuck_out_tongue: