i am now ready to join back in the flash mx fourm. i took alot of time reading through most of the basic tutorials and i think i am ready to go back to the fourm.:sure:
LOL, You mean your back asking questions?
no, only when i really need to. and if i dont get something i am going to try to get it right with out help
That’s good to hear Alex, I felt kinda bad about the last time I tried to help you. I think I was having a bad day and I was a bit frustrated. I’m glad you’re not giving up and trust me, I know what you’re going through. You don’t know how many times I’ve been called “stupid” when I first started out learning flash, but I never gave up so now I’m still being called “stupid”, but not as often! lol Don’t hesitate to ask and I won’t hesitate to yell at you either. haha j/k You’ll get the hang of it, I’m sure of it. =)
Yeah, just takes A LOT of patience and hard work. And definitely dedication, which it seems you have.
Where did you go in the first place???
LOL, i like the title of the thread, it really suit u alex!!
good for you and for us
Alex: If you read this, please…please…I’m begging you… When you ask a question of us in the MX forum, please explain yourself fully, and completely. 2 lines is not enough information for us to help you. No one here is going to laugh at you or call you stupid or anything like that. We are here to help. I will admit that I got very frustrated with you becuase I could not understand what the problem was because you weren’t explaining yourself fully.
instead of:
“how do I add a guestbook to my site?”
“I have a guestbook that I would like to add to my site, but I dont’ know how to place it on a page. It uses PHP and a text file.”
The more information you give us, the more easily and completely we can help you.
True to that. I found myself not understanding your questions because with some of the stuff you wanted to do you can do it a million different ways, but it depends on the situation you are doing it in.
So the more information you give about what you are trying to do the better we can help, and the sooner we can solve your problem