Well I am back - I know I never said I was leaving, but I did for a bit…
I just moved back to Santa Barbara, CA (Hey Kit, that means California;) ) to return to UCSB once again. I took the first quarter off to work and just take a break - it was much needed and now I am happy to begin classes again! Plus, today I got my cable modem for my apartment… after using DSL at my rent’s place for so long I got WAY to spoiled for dial up to suit me (plus its a pain to use the computers at school to upload work for my clients!). Thats it - just good to be back!!
well, you missed about two pixel art revolutions, lol. you started one, then left, then eilsoe started the other. now we are shifting to smooth metal and smooth pixel art. well just check the D&D. i think that is about it, well and h88 became a mod and then kinda left.
Yeah, I want to start another battle once I get into the groove of my classes… I have so much reading (about 150 pages a day so far), but I guess I shouldnt complain :sure: