I'm desperately need help

hello somebody out there…
i’m a new flash user…
i need help here…
i’ve been building a website…
i’ve made the sites separately…
let me xplain a little bit here…
let say i have these button/pages:
2)about us
3)bla bla bla

i’ve made them complete in separated scenes:
1)home-1st scene
2)about us-2nd scene
3)bla bla bla-3rd scene

e Q here is, does anybody build a website using many scenes?
i think it’s weird…
can somebody help me to solve my prob here???
can somebody suggest me wot to do w e scenes??

I wouldn’t suggest using scenes since it tends to bump up your file size a bit. Most flash websites now a days, load an external movie into the main movie for example with your setup, if I was to click the “about us” button, it would load an external movie in.

To learn more about what I just mentioned, take a look at the full flash site tutorial, it should give you an idea. Good luck. =)

Here is the link:


thanx yeah electrogeek…<:}

i’ve seen e tutorial b4 but i’m not sure whether i can use it…
anyway i’ll try… it seems so useful to me… :cowboy:

another Q here is…
(it may sounds stupid but since i’m still a dummy flash user I JUZ DUN CARE)
can i just export the fla file to turn it into swf file?
it will work huh?
i never tried it b4… hehe…

another Q is… can somebody suggest me any URL/links that can help me to build a complete website? i mean i need a tutorial dat shows step by step on how to build a website… i need it desperately… hehe… i found one at :
n it helps a lot…
but i need more…
pls help me…:hangover:

Yes, if you Publish (or export) your fla file, then that turns it into the web format of .swf. :slight_smile:

As far as building a full flash site goes, it’s not something to be taken lightly… You’re probably best reading through the tutorials on here (and other sites) to get the hang on Flash scripting and how it all glues together. Then you can take what you’ve learned and build your own.

The tutorial Electrongeek showed you is a great way to get started. :slight_smile:

Here’s another great tutorial that I forgot about, it’s a bit out dated, but it’s also the first tutorial I’ve ever did and it helped me a lot. It shows you how to build a working flash site as well. =)


THANX A ZILLION GUYS…:stuck_out_tongue:

hey got another Q here…
i wanna ask u ppl how to create a free text field…
maybe the exact Q here is how to build a form that user can fills and it can be working…?
pls show me the easiest/basic way…
pls show me how…
and pls suggest any URLs/links related to the Q…