Hello everyone! I’ll try as best I can to make my problem as simple as possible.
p.s: I’m a complete newbie >.<
I’m new here, on the forums I mean. I’ve read most of the photoshop and started on the flash guides on this site, but recently I’ve developed an interest in programming as well.
I wanted to start with programming a long time ago, and like many others (I think) I didn’t know where to start. 'Bout a week ago I just sat down and google’d my way to a simple “teach yourself in C 21 days” html book.
So I started reading it, and I got as far as “compiler” before the trouble began. After a couple of hours of searching and testing I found a working compiler/linker.
I wrote the standard “hello world!” app, and saved it, compiled it and linked it. Then tried to excecute it. My compiler simply made a “DOS app”, or how should I put it… I think you understand. So the app instantly closed before I could read what it said.
Tried the same thing with an app that calculated the area of a circle, with the user providing the radius of the circle. The application actually worked fine if I excecuted it within my compiler app, but not outside it (e.g excecuting it from total commander or explorer).
Now, here’s the problem: I’m right now trying to use Visual C++ as a compiler instead, and trying to figure how to make a application that would work “normally” in Windows XP. That’s how I would like to start. Could anyone help me with that?
I’ve gotten as far as creating a new text file in Visual C++, writing the circle area program, and saving it as a .c and trying to compile it with the command prompt inside Visual C++. That worked about the same as the old compiler… somewhat different.
there we go… hope that isn’t too much for you :S
Does anyone have the time to help me? Any suggestions are welcome.