I'm outta here!

Hello all you fine people.

I am on my way to Ohio for the next couple of days so I wont be around :frowning: I hope all of you have a great weekend and things don’t get too outta control here :slight_smile:

Tuknuk’s off to the big City! :slight_smile:

Talk to you all soon!

hope you have a good time there! :slight_smile:

Oooo, have a nice trip. :slight_smile:

SureShot’s Posts: 1100 <<== haha, nice number.

heh looks like you were seeking for this number and now then you reached it you are leaving us :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

lol lynx! Some guys post once and then leave! :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, yeah Syko.
hm… double 1 and double 0

Edit: I got 333 :slight_smile: I need to freeze with posting for awhile …ehhh, that’s enough :stuck_out_tongue: