Could anyone tell me where I type in the code to add my flash footer? Also, does it have to be on the web? Can’t I just get it off my computer? Please help
It must be online, if not you simply can’t use it. Here’s how to add it to your footer:
You can find the code on this thread and yes, your footer has to be on the web unless you’re running your computer as a server then that’s a different story.
if you ask reeeeally nice, I bet a bunch of ppl here can host your footer for ya :sure:
I can
yeah I can too, but we want him to ask reeealy nice, right? :beam:
Lol, yes we do :beam:
or, if you don’t want to ask nice [size=1]click hereor []here[/size]
*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**I can**
Me too.
Ok, ok, ^ he can
I can’t, I’m evil.
Oh please, oh please! Its my first one and I’m ever so proud of it. (you’ll probably think it’s crap but ur entitled to ur opinion. First one to get back to me gets the honour of hosting it. (oh please! I’m really sad)
just make sure that it adheres to all of the rules…
Yeah it does. I double checked it! Here it is. Can you get back to me once you’ve done it. Thanks…wait. It wont let me post it! :*( Ill post it in the MX forum as “footer”
I’ll post it in the MX forum as “footer”. thanks
PM me or V about hosting if your still having troubles.
V … I like that name =)
You people have long names.
well ahmed used to be called (blank) but I guess he figured that was too hard to say =)