weird in a good way, right?
these are just for Phun… I love animated gifs…
I don’t know why… prolly a holdover from my early web days, when the flash player wasn’t very saturated… making animated icons, and such…
weird in a good way, right?
these are just for Phun… I love animated gifs…
I don’t know why… prolly a holdover from my early web days, when the flash player wasn’t very saturated… making animated icons, and such…
lol what buddy o’l pal you are Phil, I’m soOoOooooo jealous of Rev now.
Phil you have a pretty interesting webiste, sure is a lot of content. How do you keep things updated? Are you the only one thats running it?
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
I live in the house, and he lives in the Attic and is fed on bucket full of fish heads a week…
Yeah, but I came out first…
[SIZE=3]Baba Chomp… Baba Chewie Chomp[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]:: said like Stan Marsh’s evil clone ::[/SIZE]
Rev Bad?
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
weird in a good way, right?
these are just for Phun… I love animated gifs…
I don’t know why… prolly a holdover from my early web days, when the flash player wasn’t very saturated… making animated icons, and such…
Rev **
Oh I see, I use to collect animated gifs too when I first started then just erased them. If I knew that I would of bumped into you two in this forum then I would have saved them to show off.
And yes Rev, you’re wierd in a good way. :bad:
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
haven’t even touched my site in 3 months or so. Why?
Cause I suck at most everything webstyle.
the last time my site was updated was when I had a 1.0 mghz computer. That was over 3 months ago. I still haven’t reloaded Flash, Dreamweaver, or anything…
cause I’m a lazy ***.
pj **
Just curious, seems like you put in a lot of work into it thats why. If that was my site, I would be lazy to update it too. =)
I never save them anywhere safe, so when I crash, they all usually go into the ether…
but then again, there is always another that someone sends me…
Just to be on the safe side, I’ll keep an eye out for the both of ya. You two are like Itchy and Scratchy so I better be careful.
yes i know Phil, I thought something was a bit fishy when Rev started to sound normal. :bad:
smart one that electrongeek…
crossfire is a bad place to be…
location-wise, anyway…
the bar is pretty cool…
but I digress…
wow at this rate, I’m going to rack in more posts than Lost. woohoo! =)
hahaha where is Lost anyways?
So Phil, how is it like to be a Mod? Do you use it to your advantage to bully Rev around?
You are SUCH a bunch of spammers…
spammers to the BONE!
this coming from a guy who once spammed his own thread over 10 times in a row!
:q: :q: :q: :q:
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