Caption this: World Dictator

Phil takes the “Gay Caballero” routine a bit too seriously


LMAO!! :stuck_out_tongue:

2 phunny! :stuck_out_tongue:

I saw that photo and thought of you…

cracked me up…



see how nice my clothes fit when I stand like this?


I just feel so free since going “Commando.”


Now, with a wave of my magic wand, I, the Incredible Phil, will make this man vanish…

Atencion…Atencion !!!

As The new leader of the Republica of nacho dip bowl hats I would like you to follow Fernando as he leads us in our nations new anthem…One …two…a One Two, Three , …Y…M…C…A…I want to be in the Y…M…C…A…

My name is Philbo Montana… you kissed my brother… prepare to dine…


holy crap… phil that looks just like you. lol


ya think?

I thought you were gonna be gone…

can’t believe a thing you say anymore…


i had to say after for an hour and i finished up all of my work that i needed to finish for math.

<b>Gimme a “C”</b>


yea i stayed for 1 hour, took a test, and did some home work. then here i am. lol=)

el cuarto de baño está sobre aquí usted gansos tontos

<i>the bathroom is over here you silly gooses</i>


been done above Alex…

got anything new to add?


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**been done above Alex…

got anything new to add?

Rev **


ah darn i didnt even read the rest of them. im going to get rid of it.

leave it as a monument to you not reading…


to late…:smirk:

but philbo already gave enough info for anyone to realize what you did…

always best not to delete…
