Hi everyone!
It’s me, El_Thierro
Some of you might remember me, most of you probably won’t…
It was my birthday 3 days ago, and I got a mail from KirupaForum to wish me a Happy Birthday…so I came over to check out how things were going over here, and I was amazed to find a thread wishing me a happy b-day, after I had been inactive on these forums for more then 2 years :love:
I had some pretty amazing times here on this site & forum, and I still think of them. I learned a whole lot here, and had a load of fun as well :pleased: I’m glad to still see some familiar faces here, people who have had more patience then me and still stick around here, helping others out and making kirupa.com to the wonderfull site it is, has always been and hopefully always will be.
Kay, enough with the mushy stuff :trout:
So what have I been up to?
Since I “left” (I just got caught up in other stuff and didn’t do much designing anymore) the forums, I’ve gone to the university over here in Belgium to study Law. I’ve engaged into a whole lot of other online stuff since then, which still take up a great deal of my daily time. Other then that, I’ve been staying at a dorm for almost 2 years now, which just absorbes a whole lot of your time, so I just haven’t had the time to spent on the internet :ne:
The spare time I did have, either went into my GF, family, or other internet stuff. I’ve still been doing *some *designing (eg. posters for school events, etc…), but not much, and I certainly don’t spend time trying to get version 347.2 of my own online design company off the ground anymore
So that’s kinda what I’ve been upto in a nutshell (a very small one), and I just felt like sharing that I as well still think of this place, and I’m happy to see it is still a blooming & florishing harbour for Flash/PS/etc…-beginners as well as experts, and I wish you all the best of luck in continuing to do that, and have fun and GL in the rest of your lives.
Peace out,
El_Thierro :player: