Im totally bored, fun little game

so i have no life, nothing to do. well, i could work, but that’s no fun.

so first person to reply to this gets a custom made redGolgi e-card.



erm, well, i was gonna make a little card for whoever replied to keep my flash juices flowing… by rights you win mike, cuz you replied 1st, but if you dont the prize you could pass it on to the next guy…


*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**:-\ **

Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?


im still confused ??? :frowning:

Whao! I jsut saw your site again and your good at painting!
[EDIT] and drawing [/EDIT]
^why do I do those fake edit tags

thanks mike :slight_smile:

and rev… story of my life. its ok, though, i have a solution.

*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**thanks mike :slight_smile:

and rev… story of my life. its ok, though, i have a solution. **

awww cmon golgi take that rope off your neck, ok godD@mn!t ctrl+z ctrl+z aww $h!t its not working HELP!!! :run: for help

grimdeath gets 10 points for a rippin good crossthread joke!

joke?? cmon golgi take that rope off ya neck ok F@(k dis ctrl+alt+delete that should do it :beam:

haha, we’re all geeks on the inside.