I'm tuning my guitar

yeah, just wanted to let you guys know…
why? I just felt like spamming.

nice that you tell us. Come over, I play drums

I am typing.

now I am clic…

I am sitting in a chair… with my foot on the printer, playing guitar, spamming kirupa forums.

HEY! Help me write a song about kirupa forums!

haha… you guys come up with the lyrics, I’ll come up with the melody.

ok, i go downstairs and shmash this small electro drumsset

i need to change the strings on mine. NEVER get elixirs, they go out of tune easliy. my friend suggested Dean Markley’s Blue Steel so i’m gonna try those next time i go out.

(to a singy tune…)
there is a forum…its called kirup-aaa
it is so goooood…its supa dup-aa
then along came laVaboy…he’s such a ham…
all he does…is SPAM SPAM SPAM…


Wow… Interesting… falls asleep

yeah, i could fall asleep to that too if i…crap, forgot, anyway, happy st patty’s daysldf;kja ifmae4w ucy6034t c3t

*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**yeah, just wanted to let you guys know…
why? I just felt like spamming. **

u cna get banned for spamming a lot. haha keep it in mind one of the other mods might be lrking around with an itchy banning finger. whic brings me to my next topic, WHY IN THE **** IS MY INDEX FINGER ITCHY!!! i swear to god people. its ithcing on the inside. i think im having a flashback to one of my trips…blahhhhhh

you’re not talking about that time someone banned someone else right? anyway, happy st. patty’s dayaw;leijf n34[p0;/y439 54u 9084htn945hy

eh… the mods like me! They would NEVER do anything bad to me, like change my thread subject to say that I have a small wanker

my finger still itches. this is not a joke!
