Image gallery help - kurtnoble

hi everyone, I LOVE THIS SITE / FORUM …i was browsing some site and came across kurtnoble and I liked the way they presented the projects. -

they are loading the images (down scalled or thumbs i dont know) dynamically and when you click on the image it scales and loads the larger image / + info…

i found the scroller pretty cool too, it has points that when clicked it moves to the next batch…

anyway, i am learning right now the gallery v3 and vman has helped me a whole lot but I am still learning and if someone knows how to do this …well WOW!

I hope that there is someone that can show an example…

thanks guys.

That is a very cool site.

I have just been working on something similar (but not quite as cool).

If you wanna make stuff slide as you navigate there is a good tutorial here:

Then you just load in your external .swf files to the sliding movieclip (with their own preloaders).

This tutorial tells you how to load external swfs and how to make them fade in and out in a nice way too!

I am currently working on my own site which will be ready in couple of days which shows it working in a more desirable way, but have a look at to see another variation.

