Image gallery with thumbnails?


Is there a more or less easy way to create an image gallery in flash that uses thumbnails as preview?
I mean: I’d like to have a collection of organised thumbnails (maybe even in a scroller? :thumb: ) and when you scroll over a thumbnail (or you click on it) you see the large pic -in a frame or in a new window-

I’d like to use this to make the “pix” page of my band’s site a bit more attractive.
I’d like to be able to make extra short galleries every time we have a new set of pictures.

I have NO idea how to begin this, and i actually didn’t find much on the net to my surprise


Well there are some great tutorials on Kirupa on scrollers here. And you could moddify it to attach images to the AS. Or if you don’t know much about AS or anything there are premade components that do photo gallaries at [url=“”] I am actually working on a dynamic image loader…but that one will be a component I sell, its taken my waaaaaay to long and no one here seems to be able to help so I think it will be a money maker. :wink: