Image in scrolling text

I have figured out how to have scrolling text…However I have a graphics I want to insert at the top of the text. How can I insert the graphic and have it scroll with the text (as of now it stays and text scrolls up behind it). Help would be very greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

make a mc and take the scrollpane

I still can’t seem to find what I want…basically I have about 30 1 page Word documents with embedded images that I want to be able to view in a a scrolling Flash window. Is there any way this can easily (at least relatively) done?


everything is sitting in one MC

check the coding on the buttons

check the instance names

next to the buttons (in the MC) there is an actions MC… check the instance name and check the frame script in the actions MC

the rest is done with a motion tween…

good luck



I had the same problem as subarctic and applied your solution which works great (thanks a lot :beam: ) except for one thing … it cuts a portion of my text off in the sense that the space is there when u scroll but you can’t see the text. Note that my text movie clip is quite a bit longer than what u have. Could u please help?


D. :beam:

if you open the mc you will see that it contains another mc and that mc contains a motion tween. all you have to do is change the tween so that all the text will show… you might want the tween to run over more frames if you have more text… it all depends on how fast you want the scroll to be.

Oh, sorry I didn’t see your reply. I did do that - that isn’t the problem - I have the tween moving all the way up. What happens is as follows: I have a black background … When I scroll the mc moves up but at one point it just scrolls black (as if there were something there but u can’t see it). I tried modifying your file (changes the tween and added more text) and the same thing happens :frowning: .

D :beam:

how big is your fla file… can you send it to me… let me have a look for you… you can sent it to my e-mail addy or


I have one for you. Built with lots of help from fluid_0ne and claudio.