Hello fellow Flashers!
I’m having an issue with Firefox.
Basically, I am loading images into a movieclip and its all working fine when I test it on the standalone flash player, and IE6; but when I test it in Firefox(version 2) the movie loads but when i click on the button to load the images they do not load. But the thing is that the images sometimes load, but most of the time they don’t.
Is this an issue with the new Firefox? Or is there something I’m missing?
Thanks in advance.
Here is the Load function I call:
loadPicBox = function (targetMC, picName)
mcLoader = new MovieClipLoader ();
loadListener = new Object ();
mcLoader.addListener (loadListener);
mcLoader.loadClip (picName, targetMC);
loadListener.onLoadStart = function ()
loadListener.onLoadProgress = function (mc, loadedBytes, totalBytes)
preloaded = Math.floor (loadedBytes / totalBytes * 100);
loadListener.onLoadComplete = function ()
// Preloader done