Image not getting loaded in dynamic textfield


I am creating a dynamic textfield(s) on to the stage…and loading image(s) inside each text field. But its not getting loaded/displayed inside a dynamic textfield.

Perhaps if i keep a dynamic textfield rather than creating it using createTextField method image is getting displayed perfectly. Here is the code i have tested with a sample file:

//----------- code begins here ------------------

this.createTextField(“myImage”, 1, 11, 18, 250, 200);
myImage.html = true;
myImage.selectable = false;
myImage.multiline = true;
myImage.border = true;

onLoad = function(){

//here image.jpg is not displayed/loaded
myImage.htmlText = “<img src=‘image.jpg’/>”;

//here image.jpg is getting displayed/loaded
test.htmlText = “<img src=‘image.jpg’/>”;


//-------------code ends here ----------

Has anyone faced this problem…please help me out…this is really weired
