I have a logo on the top left corner of a flash movie, this logo doesn’t move at all. However, other part of the movie (which are layered ontop of this base layer) have motion tweens.
The quality of the .jpg logo is poor for this .swf even when exported with the quality set too 100%.
Any Ideas, is there anything in particular you have to do to maintain .jpg quality when tweening other objects?
i have had this problem before.
i found that it usally comes from you meessing around of the _xscale/_yscale of the .jpg.
welll srry for my poor english.
-and im off
yes, I have had this problem before too. It could also happen if you resize your flash movie in the html document, not just in flash itself. Also, if you break the image up and turn it into a graphic, it’s least likely to behave like that.
Flash 5 has lots of these little subtle bugs that could drive people like me insane. Gah!